Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


Altavoz monitor de estudio de mycelium composites

El primer altavoz 100% biocompuesto de micelio del mundo. Excepto los tornillos y el altavoz, está hecho de compuestos de micelio y fibra de cáñamo. Los compuestos de micelio podrían ser una parte importante de la economía circular. Compuesto de micelio significa: residuos agrícolas o de madera entretejidos con hongos y luego tratados térmicamente o prensados. Las propiedades acústicas y de absorción del micelio superan las de la mayoría de los materiales de insonorización convencionales para la construcción, lo que confiere al altavoz una absorción y una acústica interesantes. Se trata de un prototipo para dar a conocer esta tecnología.

Széchenyi István University
Our research area is biodesign and mycelium-based biocomposites. Our experiments are carried out at the Design Department of the Széchenyi István University in collaboration with the Materials Science Laboratory of the University.Our aim is to develop and promote biocomposites for the construction, automotive and furniture industries, with applied and fine art creations. Experimentation with mycelium-based composites is a relatively young field of research. It has a history of approximately 20 years.. In terms of industrial use, mycelium is one of the strongest organic chitin-rich adhesives.
Bence Czibik Our research area is biodesign and mycelium-based biocomposites. Our experiments are carried out at the Design Department of the Széchenyi István University in collaboration with the Materials Science Laboratory of the University.Our aim is to develop and promote biocomposites for the construction, automotive and furni-ture industries, with applied and fine art creations. Experimentation with my-celium-based composites is a relatively young field of research.In terms of industrial use, mycelium is one of the strongest organic chitin-rich adhesives.
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