Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

PCC & Pearltide

Recursos ecológicos de las conchas de ostra

Somos la única empresa que utiliza residuos de conchas de ostras para producir PCC (que no necesita calcinación) y Pearltide (ingredientes cosméticos), promoviendo la sostenibilidad mediante la reutilización de residuos y el aumento del uso de materiales reciclados. El carbonato cálcico precipitado (PCC) regenerado de concha de ostra se utiliza en cosméticos, plásticos, productos farmacéuticos y envases de papel. El nuevo proceso reduce las emisiones en un 74% aproximadamente y las disminuye en un 81% frente al plástico virgen y en un 28% frente al plástico reciclado. El extracto hidrolizado-Pearltide puede añadirse a los cosméticos para hidratar, reparar, combatir el envejecimiento y cuidar el cabello.

We repurpose discarded oyster shells to produce PCC without calcination and pearltide, driving circular economy and sustainability. Oyster shell-derived biocalcium can completely replace mineral calcium, reducing environmental damage from mining. Recycled PCC is used in cosmetics, plastics, and paper packaging, reducing carbon emissions by 74% and 81% compared to virgin plastics. Pearltide offers natural moisturizing, repairing, and anti-aging benefits for cosmetics.
Shukuei, Hsu
Product designer Shukuei Hsu is committed to tackling the challenge of discarded oyster shells. With a vision of turning waste into valuable resources, he has spearheaded the creation of several innovative and eco-friendly solutions that breathe new life into these shells. Recognizing the environmental issues caused by the accumulation of oyster shells, he sought to repurpose them not only to reduce waste but also to create significant sustainable business opportunities for industries like cosmetics and packaging.
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