Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos


Sandalias de piel de cactus

TANAMI es una línea de sandalias veganas de VEGTUS fabricadas exclusivamente con piel de cactus. Está dirigida a personas interesadas en opciones de calzado sostenibles y éticas. Lo que hace que TANAMI sea sostenible e innovadora es su uso pionero de la piel de cactus, una alternativa ecológica y libre de crueldad en la industria del calzado, ofreciendo así una opción respetuosa con el medio ambiente y los animales.

Vegtus 2020 S.L
Vegtus was born as an idea during COVID lockdown. Seeing how the nature was regenerating while people were locked up, we felt the need to do something to keep the world recovering in that direction after the pandemic. And what better way to do this than in a field where we have the knowledge and experience? Footwear Finding cactus leather was the first step in becoming a brand that goes far beyond veganism. By incorporating new materials such as corn leather and other recycled materials, we became the first brand with a 100% sustainable attitude that will invest and work to make the world a be
Cristina Sabadell
Cristina Sabadell, emprendedora y fundadora de Vegtus, que pretende revolucionar el mundo de la moda apostando por un material único, sostenible e innovador.
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