

Living Tex'Celium


Living Tex'celium 是一种可持续材料系统,通过在农业和木材废料上生长菌丝来形成可回收的复合材料。它结合了黄麻纺织品,克服了传统菌丝复合材料的结构限制。该系统设想了灵活、可运输的模块,用于现场数字指导制造。菌丝生长和生物融化,保持形状并在固化后形成牢固的连接。一座原型桥梁承受了 4.5 倍于其重量的荷载,显示了其承载能力。Tex'celium 装置可在 7 天内完全回收,支持生态友好型建筑。

University of Stuttgart
Participants are Students of M.Sc ITECH program. The Integrative Technologies & Architectural Design Research M.Sc. Program (ITECH) at Uni Stuttgart is an interdisciplinary, research-oriented, experiment-based program shaped around contemporary aspects of the built environment and practice. The goal of the ITECH program is to prepare a new generation of students from different disciplines for the continuing advancement of technological and computational processes in development of the built environment through merging the fields of architecture, engineering, construction and natural sciences.
Kalaivanan Amudhan, Mahdi Jafari & Ali Zolfaghari
The designers, architects from India, Afghanistan and Iran, passionate about sustainable construction, spent a year researching mycelium to explore its unique advantages over traditional materials in architecture. They carried out extensive experiments with substrate combinations, mechanical testing, and prototyping to overcome the material's limitations. By leveraging computational design workflows, they created a fully sustainable and recyclable building system tailored for architectural applications. This project was a part of their master's thesis at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
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