Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos

Bio-on: Apagar los plásticos

Este proyecto pretende ser una alternativa al plástico

Este proyecto presenta bolsos bioplásticos a base de gelatina, con los que se experimenta y explora creando diferentes texturas. Se ha utilizado una amplia gama de colores orgánicos. A partir de diferentes fórmulas, se produce artesanalmente bioplástico de almidón y gelatina y se evalúa variando las propiedades del biopolímero producido. Se ha experimentado con distintos tipos de almidón, extraídos de recursos naturales como el maíz, el trigo, el maíz, el arroz y la patata. Se prueban y son seguros para el ser humano y el medio ambiente.

Institute for Art and Culture, Lahore
IAC mission is to encourage excellence in teaching and research through offering academic programs and diverse approaches that prepare the students to intellectually interact and explore innovation in performance and creative work and promote the multidisciplinary integration of arts, culture, and technology through creativity, critical thinking, and technological innovation
Inshal Akram
Inshal Akram is a Pakistan-based textile designer and researcher. Her practice involves research into sustainable textiles and biodegradable materials. She finds her passion in conducting research and then applying it through exploring new mediums, materials and techniques. She approaches designs that are not appealing but for solving problems around. Her core value includes "Empathy" and "Practicality" through her work. 
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