Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos


Transformación de vaqueros usados en nuevos productos

El polialgodón, las mezclas textiles y la tela vaquera elástica son notoriamente difíciles de reciclar, ya que la mayoría de estos residuos se envían a vertederos o se incineran. A diferencia del reciclaje municipal, Denimolite es capaz de procesar TODOS los tipos de residuos de polialgodón y transformarlos en un nuevo material compuesto de alta calidad. Evitamos que los residuos de la moda vayan a parar a vertederos, océanos o incineradoras. El porcentaje de ingredientes vegetales de nuestra resina biológica es uno de los más altos del sector. Denimolite está diseñado para muebles y accesorios, así como para bienes de consumo.

Denimolite ltd
Denimolite is a start-up creating an innovative material manufactured sustainably from waste denim and a plant based bio resin. The Denimolite composite material is durable, high grade and visually striking, created for design and constructions application. Ideal for furniture and fitting in commercial and residential spaces. The Material has been made in response to the negative impact denim has on the environment, annually the UK purchases 70 million pairs of jeans and sends 260,000 tonnes of waste denim to land fill. We at Denimolite believe in doing things a little differently.
Reino Unido
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Denimolite ltd
Josh Myers
Founder and director of Denimolite Ltd, graduated with 1st in Engineering Product Design from London South Bank University. Passionate about fashion and the environment. Specialising in sustainable design. Winner of the: south bank startup award, the award of excellence by the IED, materials innovation award MaDE, materials innovation award Plastics Industry Awards. Featured on GreenGrads and Grand Designs Kevin's Green Heroes.
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