Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

Tanino vegetal de Goytaca

Compuesto orgánico de serrín de madera y agua de turba

El tanino de Goytaca es un compuesto fenólico de origen vegetal, extraído mediante agua de turba en contacto con determinadas maderas o cáscaras de coco. Mediante las propiedades de lixiviación del agua de turba, estos compuestos extraídos se aplican a la madera, proporcionándole un cambio de color, propiedades antifúngicas y efectos biopesticidas.

cpa tia telinda
The Tia Telinda Environmental Preservation Center, located in Campos dos Goytacazes, stands out as an experimental farm dedicated to research on peatlands. Its investigations encompass biodiversity, nutrient cycling, water quality, and the development of techniques for the restoration of degraded peatlands. The results of these studies play a crucial role in formulating public policies for the conservation and recovery of these vital ecosystems. The Tia Telinda Environmental Preservation Center faces the challenge of indiscriminate peat extraction, often associated with the clay used by the ceramics industry. More than 600 abandoned clay pits bear witness to this practice, raising concerns about waste accumulation and contamination of the water table. The project aims to address this issue by promoting sustainable practices and the recovery of degraded areas, seeking a balance between economic activity and environmental preservation..
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cpa tia telinda
Reynaldo Rosa
And the chief manager, responsible for the development of research and project management at CPA Tia Telinda. Graduated in IoT solutions development and holds a postgraduate degree in Environmental Engineering, having developed several theses on Peatlands and their benefits.
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