Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


Separador de espacios ajustable con luz

El separador de espacios Kokeshi permite separar distintas zonas en interiores o exteriores, evitando las paredes. Es regulable y tiene luz ambiental. Inspirado en los farolillos japoneses, está compuesto por una estructura metálica y paneles de plástico reciclado (piezas de PS desechadas de la industria). Es adecuada para el hogar, oficinas o exteriores como terrazas. Incorpora materiales reciclados a la vida cotidiana de una forma sutil que pasa desapercibida.

UNIBA Centro Universitario Internacional de Barcelona
Ester Cruz
I am a designer from Madrid (Spain) and I have always dedicated myself to the world of design, but in 2019 I went back to study to update my knowledge and dedicate myself to what I am passionate about, which is product design. My creations are of pure lines, trying to find a balance between industry and craftsmanship. Without leaving aside reinvention, I always try to improve some aspect, whether with respect to use, transportation or production. Ecodesign is beginning to be an important part of this personal and professional process.
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