Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

Urna funeraria Sempervivens

Haga renacer las cenizas de su ser querido

La urna Sempervivens es un producto funerario. Es un recipiente cerámico de diseño exclusivo, totalmente preparado para recibir las cenizas de su ser querido, con el que una semilla germinará y se nutrirá para crecer ante sus ojos, para que una nueva vida prospere con la ayuda de su ser querido. Es apto para todo el mundo, ya que contiene todos los materiales e información necesarios para ponerlo en marcha y mantenerlo de forma sencilla. Su innovación radica en que no existe ningún producto similar en el mercado, ya que es el resultado de años de investigación, lo que nos permite garantizar la germinación y el crecimiento.

Lloradu S.L.U.
Semper Vivens, is the only funerary urn in the world. Patented in 2022 in which uniting art, science and technology. It is achieved in a 100% guaranteed way that using the ashes as nutrients, a Catalpa germinates. It is the last gesture of generosity of the loved one who, through his ashes and his tree, will provide us with oxygen and remove Co2 from the atmosphere. A laboratory work that lasted more than 8 years, with the participation of doctors in sciences, engineers, the Aidimme technology center as well as porcelain artists. We are not an abstract idea, we are a reality.
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Lloradu S.L.U.
Pedro Ramis Ramírez, Alberto Lloret Salamanca, Jorge Miralles Filippini, Pablo Miralles Filippini, Joan Pere Catalá Roig, Mario Martínez Ceniceros, José Ramón Blasco Puchades & David Cuesta M
Sempervivens: -P. Ramis: Founding CEO. -A. Lloret: Agronomist and Lab Director. PhD in Sciences. -J. P. Català: Master Craftsman Letter from the Balearic Government. Jaume II Award 2022 from the Mallorca Council. -P. Miralles: Chemical Engineer. MSc in Energy and Fuels for the Future. -J. Miralles: Mechanical Engineer. MSc Computational Mechanics. AIDIMME industrial design engineers: -J. R. Blasco: MSc in Mechanical Engineering. -D. Cuesta: MSc in Design and Development of Parts and Molds for Plastic Injection. -M. Martínez: MSc in Design and Integrated Manufacturing assisted by Computer.
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