Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


Una mecedora desmontable y plegable

Se trata de una mecedora de interior desmontable y plegable de madera y acero cuyo asiento y respaldo son de tela vaquera reciclada. Una mecedora acogedora para un público joven, que suele cambiar de casa al vivir de alquiler. Las uniones son sencillas, de modo que se puede montar y desmontar para facilitar el traslado. Además permite plegarla para que una vez montada se pueda trasladar con facilidad, ya que está pensada para una casa pequeña. Emocionalmente, es un producto agradable, acogedor y familiar donde se puede escuchar música, leer o escribir, es decir, está dirigido a personas con una rutina ajetreada.

Escuela Superior de Diseño de Madrid
The Madrid Higher School of Design is the Public Center of the General Directorate of Universities and Higher Artistic Education of the Community of Madrid that offers official public Higher Education in Design at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels of the EHEA (European Higher Education Area). ). The Madrid School of Design understands design as a service to society aimed at promoting the improvement of the quality of life and equality between people and as a central factor for innovation and the humanization of technologies and cultural exchange and economic.
Natalia Mastell Navío
I am Natalia Mastell Navío, a simple Spanish student who works with human energy. My empathy towards others has always been seen as a weakness, but I have turned it into my greatest strength. Being able to help others and improve the world is my super power. I love creating products that are part of people's daily routines and being able to make them more enjoyable. For me the future is not tomorrow, but today. I think things through very carefully before doing them, to know that I am leaving a good mark on the world and helping to improve it every day.
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