


来自 ztista 的家具系列

FAINA 的 MOVCHUN 家具系列通过沉思揭示了人与自然之间的互动。MOVCHUN 源自乌克兰语 "保持沉默"。沉默让人放慢脚步,感受人与自然的联系。该系列的关键在于其特殊、生态和 100% 的天然材料。底座:由生态材料 ZTISTA 制成。内部:柔软的填充物由海维亚乳胶制成。顶部:您可以选择柔软的织物--100% 天然大麻织物或由回收的 T 恤制成的天然棉。这是一款可持续、可转换的设计作品。

YA.VA srl
FAINA is a multi-disciplinary design brand that creates handcrafted living minimalism objects to convey the culture and nature senses and inspire for mindful living. A sensual expression of contemporary design rooted in Mother Earth and Ukrainian cultural heritage. FAINA is a timeless design functions as a decorative piece that becoming more like a talisman in your home because each object full of history, handcrafted energy, and natural materials. The collection includes furniture, lighting, and decor.
YA.VA srl
Victoria Yakusha
Victoria Yakusha is the founder of YAKUSHA and FAINA, she is the mastermind behind live minimalism, a cultural heritage architect, and a global ambassador of Ukrainian design. Victoria is one of the most famous Ukrainian architects worldwide, whose artistic endeavours shape contemporary Ukrainian design as a brand. She creates heritage—the ideas and objects that gain power, meaning, and value over time and impact the culture of future generations. An advocate of laconic, environmentally friendly living, architecture, and design.
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