



邦登家用纺织品为装饰提供可持续发展的基础 - 生态影响:不含化学物质的芬兰天然羔羊毛和天然染色羔羊毛 - 社会影响:我们支持本地生产,我们的产品由芬兰的工匠和小型制造商制造 - 道德影响:我们的纱线不含骡毛,确保动物福利 - 当地可持续材料的创新发展,生产链可追溯 - 可满足多年需求的家用纺织品,经得起潮流的变化,让每个人都能装饰出永恒和可持续的产品

Bonden / Perhosvaikutus Oy
Finnish lambswool is a byproduct of meat production, of which 70% goes to waste. We took this waste and developed it into a yarn suitable for industrial weaving. Moreover, we have also collected all the cutting waste as well as selvages since the beginning and made our ZERO-WASTE products out of them. Each new Bonden product can be combined with the existing collection. This is as, the colour palette of natural and plant-based dyes is curated as if by nature itself making the collection timeless. At the end of their life cycle, 100% wool products can be transformed into nearly virgin new yarn.
Kati Hienonen
After working six years in Hong Kong as a fashion designer I wanted to do things in other way. I deepened my M.A. studies related to ecological design at Aalto University in Finland. When I served as a trend expert in a project of biomaterial innovation group, I noticed that rather than focusing mainly on creating new fibres and technologies, it would be good to know how to utilize existing fibres more efficiently and sustainably. In 2017 I established Bonden brand and started to design textiles made of discarded Finnish Lambswool. Using material that was never used in industrial context.
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