

Zero Synthetic Fuels


Zero 公司只利用空气和水制造清洁燃烧的无化石合成汽油、柴油和喷气燃料。这些燃料无需改装即可用于现有发动机,不含杂质,生命周期为碳中和,因为其生产过程从空气中提取的二氧化碳量与燃料使用过程中排放的二氧化碳量相同。这种燃料可以使包括航空、农业和重工业在内的整个行业实现去化石化,从而彻底改变全球交通运输业。Zero 公司已与劳斯莱斯、波音、英国皇家空军和无人机送货创新企业 Dronamics 合作,以加快其快速推出的步伐。

Zero Petroleum
Zero has developed a process for the scalable manufacture of carbon-neutral synthetic gasoline, diesel and jet fuel from air and water using renewable energy. The company's game-changing technology promises to disrupt the fossil and biofuel sectors, supporting the net zero transition in industries such as aviation, heavy plant and agriculture while also enabling existing vehicles to continue fossil-free. The proprietary process is unique in the sector, as it is able to create fuels for use in any engine without the need for further processing or blending.
Paddy Lowe and Nilay Shah (co-founders)
Paddy was one of the most successful engineers in F1’s modern era before he co-founded Zero. A graduate of Cambridge, he spent 32 years in F1 with Williams, McLaren and Mercedes and was involved with cars that secured 12 world titles and 158 race wins, including the first 53 wins of Lewis Hamilton's record-breaking career. Nilay is an influential chemical engineer in global academia, with a PhD in Chemical Engineering. He began his current role as Professor of Process Systems Engineering in 2001 and has been the Head of Department for Chemical Engineering since 2016.
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