Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos

Mentalidad ANTI TIRAR

Un proyecto de tostadora y tetera contra el consumismo

La "mentalidad antidesecho" promueve la sostenibilidad de los electrodomésticos. Muchos de estos electrodomésticos se desechan prematuramente debido a la producción en masa con diseños y materiales no reparables, por lo que la gente tiene débiles vínculos emocionales con sus productos. Para contrarrestarlo, diseñé tostadoras y teteras con estructuras simplificadas, centradas en la utilidad y la función. Estos productos utilizan cerámica resistente al calor para mayor durabilidad y fácil sustitución de piezas, fomentando relaciones duraderas entre los usuarios y sus electrodomésticos y la sostenibilidad en una sociedad propensa al usar y tirar.

The Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design (ABK Stuttgart)
The Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design (ABK Stuttgart) offers a wide range of subjects in a variety of Art and Design subjects: With its 22 study programmes in Architecture, Arts, Art Education, Design and Conservation – Art History, it provides excellent study and research opportunities to around 900 students and brings together a diverse range of creative practices under one roof. In addition to students’ individual artistic development and growth, ABK promotes transdisciplinarity, diversity and cultural openmindedness.
Zixuan Zhou
I am Zixuan Zhou, who currently studies industrial design in the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart. As a designer, my works are based on observation or philosophical thoughts of daily life. I aim to create wonderful objects by challenging the perception on how objects could be with unconventional, functional configuration and details. Besides, I focus on letting people get touched by objects with material or usage etc. Because for me, design is not only a method of solving problems, but also a way to improve daily life by providing inner pleasure and different ways of seeing things.
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