Green Concept Award

Green Concepts


Smart peatland rewetting

97% of Germany's peatlands have been drained - mostly for agricultural use. The resulting oxidation processes account for 7% of Germany's CO2 emissions. Rewetting stops these emissions. re:wet coordinates and simplifies the necessary surveying. With the peat:lab, farmers determine terrain heights, water levels, peat thickness and vegetation composition and store all data in a digital twin. In this way, rewetting measures can be planned, tendered and monitored, greenhouse gas emissions can be modeled, certified and traded, and biomass can be distributed.

weissensee kunsthochschule berlin
Milan Bergheim
Milan Bergheim is a product designer with a focus on system and service design. For his masters degree at Kunsthochschule Weissensee, he focused on the importance of peatlands for achieving climate goals. In collaboration with the Greifswald Moor Center and funded by an ESF start-up grant, he is working on the implementation of his data-driven concept for the intelligent rewetting of peatlands, which includes farmers, value chains and CO2 certificate trading.
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