Green Product Award

Grüne Produkte

Benji Sustainability

Einwegteppiche in Sessel verwandeln

Benji Sustainability ist eine Produktlinie, die aus textilen Rohstoffen entwickelt wurde, die sonst von der Marke selbst oder von anderen Unternehmen entsorgt würden. Der Benji Armchair und der Bean Bag + in diesem Projekt wurden aus Teppichen hergestellt, die sonst weggeworfen würden, und zu einem schönen, innovativen und nachhaltigen Dekorationsobjekt umgestaltet.

Benji Home
All started with the arrival of our first child during the pandemic, we wanted to find a cool designer object to decorate his room. For our surprise, we didn't find it. and with that, we thought: why not produce this object? We wanted an armchair so he could read the little books and watch cartoon. So we developed, with his knowledge in textile industry engineering and mine as a designer, the first Benji, name in honor of hour son, Benjamin. The product was so successful, that friends and family asked to buy it for their homes with different sizes and materials. So we launched Benji Home.
Benji Home
Julia Barbosa & Luis Gustavo Barbosa
The designers are Julia Barbosa, creative director of the brand, and Luis Gustavo Barbosa, technical manager. Julia graduated in Design and Luis Gustavo in Textile Engineering. Both developed the entire Benji Home product line.
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