Green Product Award

Grüne Produkte

Reborn Composite Foam Mattress

Make, Break und Remake vs. Make, Break, Throwaway

Reborn Products, der bahnbrechende nachhaltige Hersteller, bietet eine breite Palette von Produkten an, die alle aus wiederverwerteten/recycelten Materialien hergestellt werden, die als Abfall gelten. Von einer Reihe von Matratzen für den Objekt- und Wohnbereich mit Taschenfederkern, offenem Federkern oder Schaumstoff über Kissen, Matratzenauflagen, Lattenroste, Kopfteile, hölzerne Pflanzgefäße, Sitzgelegenheiten für den Außenbereich, Matratzen und Sitzgelegenheiten für Wohnwagen/Wohnmobile, Betten für Haustiere bis hin zu einem torffreien Kompost und mehr.

Reborn Products
Reborn Products, based in West Yorkshire, England, is a trailblazer in ethical and sustainable manufacturing, grounded in our unwavering dedication to quality, innovation, and originality. Our product range spans from mattresses and beds to peat-free compost, embodying our vision of a sustainable future. We deliver the perfect fusion of top-tier quality and exceptional value, bolstered by our eco-friendly approach and reduced carbon footprint, making our products truly environmentally conscious.
Vereinigtes Königreich
Reborn Products
Paul Beckett
The Disruptor of Mattress Recycling: Paul Beckett Pioneering Ethical Design, Circular Economy, and Environmental Responsibility In a realm where traditional mattress recycling models falter, one visionary has emerged as a true disruptor. Meet Paul Beckett, the mastermind behind Bye Bye Bed Limited/, an embodiment of ethical design, circular economy, and environmental responsibility, utilising his manufacturing/fillings knowledge of some 30+ years.. Where the traditional route, often ending in landfills, has proven to be nothing short of unsustainable, Paul's approach is a breath of fresh air.
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