Green Concept Award

Grüne Konzepte

Pola BioMaterialien

Biomaterialien aus der invasiven Pflanze Wasserhyazinthe

Pola Project verwandelt Wasserhyazinthen auf innovative Weise in nachhaltige Biomaterialien wie gepresste Blätter, alternatives Leder, Papier, Katzenstreu und Verpackungsmaterial. Es richtet sich an die Bau-, Möbel- und Modebranche sowie an umweltbewusste Verbraucher, die nach umweltfreundlichen Alternativen suchen. Pola ist eine regenerative Designmethode zur Umwandlung von Wasserhyazinthen in Bio-Objekte, die das Potenzial invasiver Pflanzen nicht als Störung, sondern als Geschenk begreift. Alle Materialien sind kompostierbar und verbrauchen wenig Energie für die Herstellung.

Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
IAAC is a cutting-edge educational and research center exploring the intersection of technology, architecture, and environmental sustainability. Fabricademy, a unique course offered by IAAC is a platform where technology, design, and sustainability converge, offering an interdisciplinary learning experience. It empowers students to explore the potential of digital fabrication and textiles, encouraging sustainable practices and cutting-edge design methodologies. Through hands-on experimentation, students delve into bio-design, material science, and advanced fabrication techniques.
Nanditha Nair
Nanditha initiated her career in the media industry but was soon captivated by materials and handicrafts. Collaborating with eco-conscious companies, she delved into small-batch production, utilizing technology to enhance artisans' capabilities through digital design and fabrication. Hailing from Kerala, India, where water hyacinth poses a significant challenge in daily life, she became intrigued by its material potential for a distributed manufacturing model, prompting her journey to IAAC in Barcelona.
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